New Jersey is truly the Garden State. A walk through the neighborhoods, old and new, was a delightful garden tour. Hydrangeas, day lilies, and roses mingle in borders with conifers. Cape May is famous for its Painted Ladies: Victorian B&B’s painted in splendid color combinations.
As a I made my way back from the beach and shopping district I discovered that newer neighborhoods also display beautiful, well maintained landscapes.
At a corner house, an attractive fence came all the way to the sidewalk. To my surprise a white standard poodle came up to the fence and put her front paws up to greet me and another family walking from the opposite direction stopped to pet her. Gracie is a also a Painted Lady: her toenails are painted pink to match her necklace!

Gracie of Cape May
Thanks to a map, I found a memorial park on the harbor dedicated to fishermen lost at sea. It is located in what appears to be a new neighborhood of houses made in the traditional style.