One photographer complained that he had to travel 50 miles to photograph birds and some people find them in their backyard! I am fortunate to live by two ponds, a nature area, and a golf course. Sometimes I see something and go for my camera. Other times I take the camera on a short walk and see what I can find.

Look who we found at our back door, inside the garage, festooned with holiday greenery!

He tucked in for a lift back to the pond

And look who appeared in the driveway to see all the excitement!

Our friend does a good job of scaring the anoles and startling me

The coot enjoys a little swim in the pond

The bald eagle flies over the pond fishing

Black and white peacefully sharing the pond

The sandhill crane is dancing for its partner

Angry Birds: two storks express their displeasure with a heron and me getting too close

The clouds drew me outside and the great snowy egret strutted across the golf course