Jun 022024

June 1 was my solo exhibit opening!  We had such a nice gathering of art fans.  I gave a talk as an introduction to the show and received many interested questions.  I am so grateful to Bill Rusling, Liz Trostli, and Randy Havens for working all Thursday afternoon with me to hang the show.  It looks splendid. The Arts Advocates Gallery has a beautiful exhibit space and lighting to show off the works.  Along with many 8″ x 10″ and 13″ x 19″ prints on beautiful paper, I was also able to have two 24″ x 36″ images made, one on framed canvas and the other on aluminum.  Both turned out really well.

I also want to express gratitude to my friend Pat LaRussa, who typed up the labels for each print–49 of them in total.  Pat and my sister-in-law, Shelly, helped Randy and me set up the refreshments.

This Saturday, June 8, I will give a presentation on my photography for Marie Selby Botanical Gardens, show examples and demonstrate the techniques I use for capturing closeups.  The gallery is open from 2 to 4 PM and my talk will begin about 2:30 PM.  I hope to see you there!  Here are three images from the show that I made at Marie Selby Botanical Gardens.