Apr 022018

I look out my studio window onto flowers, ponds and nature area. We are keeping watch on a pair of sandhill cranes who are tending eggs on a nest of sticks on the littoral shelf of one of the ponds. Once the rains come the nest area will be flooded. Wild flowers and our tended flowers are blooming in the warming sun.

jasmine blossoms

jasmine blossoms

challa flowers with buds

challa flowers with buds

wildflowers on the bank of the pond

wildflowers on the bank of the pond

wildflowers on the bank of the pond

wildflowers on the bank of the pond

Sandhhill cranes minding their nest

Sandhhill cranes minding their nest

Snadhill crane keeping the eggs warm

Snadhill crane keeping the eggs warm

wildflowers on the bank of the pond

wildflowers on the bank of the pond

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